Ben Hussey
Web Portfolio
saor Volunteer Portal
2021 - Various - gratis
A comprehensive volunteer management portal providing event rostering and signup in addtion to competeny and training record management. Consists of a Vuetify single page application with a Django backend/API.

Box Office Frontend
2017 - Sedos - gratis
A front-end to an existing custom online box office system to allow for simpler on-the-door operations (previously an Excel spreadsheet). Always intended as a stop-gap measure this interface was used for about 4 years before switching to a proper SaSS. Built using AngularJs.

Membership/Signups Portal
2016 - Sedos - gratis
A platform for managing the membership details and online applications for a theatre group. It also now integrates a signup and management system for workshops and auditions. Integrates with Mailchip for mailing list updates and Stripe for payments. Built using Django.

Holes the Play
2014 - gratis
Responsive website for mobile and desktop to promote a London based play.

Festival Jobs Portal
2014 - Edinburgh University Students Association - freelance
A comprehensive recruitment and HR management system including a full personnel management and recruitment tracking database, event invitation/attendance and applicant support ticket system. Deals with thousands of staff applications every festival. Built using Django.

Mango Control Panel
2011 - Edinburgh University Students Association - freelance
A shared hosting solution (hardware, operating system, frontend). Similar to CPanel but with a much more user-friendly environment for non-technical users. Solves key problems with users not updating wordpress installations and being hacked.

Buddies Site
2011 - Edinburgh University Students Association - freelance
An international student matching system which allows user to create profiles on the site and pairs students together depending on various criteria, the process is reviewed by a supervisor. The system allow incorporates a simple event system where users can state whether or not they are attending a specific event.

Bedlam Theatre Fringe Website
2011 - Edinburgh University Theatre Company - freelance
Bedlam Theatre's Fringe website for 2011, design was provided in pdf format and adapted for the site. Show reviews can be added in a management area and the site integrates with XTS for online ticket sales.

Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group
2011 - Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group - gratis
A static website designed for EUSOG with the intention of making it more user-friendly and simpler.

Edinburgh University Footlights
2011 - Edinburgh University Footlights - gratis
A static website designed for Edinburgh Footlights.

EUSA Crew Portal
2010 - Edinburgh University Students Association - freelance
A portal that allows casual staff to request shifts that suit them, managers then review and accept these requests along with call change requests after the event (provides a timesheet for hours worked). The site also has a fault reporting system for problems with equipment and serves several advertising screens showing event listings and advertisements. Built using Django.

Tardis Wiki Reskin
2009 - Tardis Project - gratis
The Tardis Project is a computing facility, run and maintained by students of The University of Edinburgh. I reskinned the mediawiki instance that provides the face of the project.

eXtensible Ticketing System (XTS)
2009 - Edinburgh University Theatre Company - gratis
eXtensible Ticketing System (XTS) was a lightweight, web browser based ticketing/shop system used for student and festival productions in Edinburgh. My primary contributions were bug fixes and ticket printing drivers along with deployment and support.